When It Rains,

Tennis courts will be wet. I won't be able to play. I will go nuts. I will pace the hall up and down like a drug addict longing for, well, drugs of course. So to satisfy for the yearning and unfulfilled burning desire, no worries.

I'll just play it online :)

So this is my toy/drug :) Just type 'tennis flash' on Google and this will be the page on top of the list. Just choose whether you want to play exhibition match or tournament. I normally opt for the latter because, let's face it. Where is the thrill playing exhibition match?

Then you will see a list of players. Pick your favorite player. I always go for Venus. Well, who else, right? My love for the Williams Sisters is just unwavering no matter what you say. So next, you will get your draw for the tournament. Something like you see above.

Sometimes the match gets really intense and next thing you know, you are already on the verge of losing. Like myself in the illustration above. Alas, I managed to stave off the challenge and went through to the next round. So, yes, just like real-life tennis, you've got to be really focused. Constant vigilance, folks. I know one or two people watching nearby will be booing or jeering and what not, but pay no attention to them. Keep you head straight and eyes fixed on the green ball.

So when you are in the zone, more often than never, things will start working out for you (or rather, for me). As the match goes on, you will get you rhythm and winning 3-0 will be, well, a stroll in the park. And this is final match, mind you. I'm good at it, am I not? I know, I know. There is no need to hail me like that. You make me blush pink polka dots.

And as you can see, I won the whole thing! Whoopdeedoo. To tell you the truth, the thrill has started to die out because I have won this thing so many times already. It's like brushing your teeth. You don't feel excited doing that every time, do you? So, yeah, exactly my point. More like a chore.

There, you can see. I'm cockily holding the trophy! Oh, that winning feeling! (yet again).

I have no bloody idea why I am writing this futile entry. It's not like anyone gives a fish about tennis except for myself. Oh, well, it might come in handy whenever you are stressed out and you can't find panadol nearby. Too much chemical stuff in your body is not good, you know. So practice healthy lifestyle, folks, even if it means sweating by exercising online.

Oh this is getting unbearably ridiculous! Night, everyone! :)

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