On My Way Here

Praise be to Allah.

This semester has finally come to an end.
This has not been an entirely good semester.
I flunked few quizzes, rushed few assignments, stuttered few micro-teachings.

But, if there's one thing this semester has taught me, it is the fact that I can't have it my way all the time. Yes, I admit I love being perfectionist, I loathe other grades but an A. But what's done is done. It's beyond my aptitude to undo it. I learn to be accepting now. It's the ABC of life.

On a more personal note, I would like to extend my infinite gratitude to each and everyone that has worked with me throughout the semester. I can't possibly mention every nook and cranny, but you know who you are. We did our level best and there's no reason to look back. And for this, I would like to thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much. I am eternally grateful.

And lastly, I would like to wish everyone happy holiday! Toss your books aside, burn all the notes, pee on your test papers as well as the course outlines and get pissed! =)

Until then, everyone!
See you next semester!
Anyway, has anyone realized yet that we are going to be the seniors (with exception to Part 8 students who are busy poking their nose on every page of their thesis!) next semester? God, that sounds ancient.


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